This blog is about my Java experience and about my own project StockReleaser is an online service to create and fill out property releases for stock sites.
The most useful feature of service is multi-release support. This service allows you to build property releases for multiple number of images (arts, photos, pictures) at once. Such feature could really save your time and will make this process faster and easier.
To use it, just upload all images which have to be released and add description for them. Then, fill out all Author and Witness fields which are common for all images. For each uploaded image service StockReleaser will create it's own property release. All common Author and Witness fields will have the same values for different releases, but image-specific fields like image itself and it's description - will be different. Finally, StockReleaser will pack property releases inside one ZIP-archive.
Most difficult step in filling-in property releases using StockReleaser service is to put images with signatures for Owner/Author and Witness on release template. Below, I listed most important requirements for signatures and described how service process them.
There are just a few requirements:
Signature should be written over transparent background
Signature should be saved as image in PNG file format (.png) with transparent layer support
Recommended proportions for signature images are: 500x100
Actual image size doesn't really matter, because StockReleaser service proportionally scales images automatically to fit a place. Just make sure that there are no too large indents in your signature image, otherwise image will look too small.
Here is an example of signature image:
Try to build your own property release easy, fast and effective:
Today we did another one step to make such process as creating property release easier and faster!
Now, StockReleaser allows to fill owner address data in property release template. Such address will be placed in both sections: Photographer/Filmmaker and Ownership. We suppose that author of shot/picture/art and owner is the same person.
It's always a bit routine to create a new property release file each time when you want to upload your art, picture or photo on stock sites. And one obvious idea comes to your mind: "can't believe that there is no any service to do this automatically!"
All you need is to fill all the fields with appropriate values, upload signs and upload one or several pictures to build release for. Then just push "Build Release" button and wait until building process is finished. Finally, just click on link to download property-release as result file (ZIP file). That's it! Inside this ZIP file you will find property-release files for each uploaded picture with all filled fields.
Also, watch this guide video on youtube:
Application design was already modified a little, but general steps are the same.
Property Release fields
Owner fields:
Sign. Drop box field. Picture with owner's sign on transparent background saved as PNG.
Name. Text field with owner's first and last names.
Phone. Text field with owner's contact phone number.
E-mail. Text field with owner's contact email address.
Witness fields:
Sign. Drop box field. Picture with witness's sign on transparent background saved as PNG.
Name. Text field with witness's first and last names.
Drop box field. Pictures to build release for. This field allows to upload multiple number of pictures. Each picture could optionally have description.
How it works..
This service receives all input data required to fill the property-release template. It converts all text fields to images. Then, it places these images, images with signs and pictures-to-release upon property-release template picture. Finally, it saves result as new picture.
StockReleaser allows to upload multiple pictures-to-release per one time. In this case, new property release would be created for each next picture. As result, it will build ZIP file with multiple property-releases inside.
If you have some suggestions, feedback or if you find some problems with this service (it doesn't work correctly, stock site rejected property releases and so on) - send a feedback to developers on this e-mail:
// isIE() - just checks is it IE or not - use your own implementation
if (isIE() && "file".equals(webElement.getAttribute("type"))) {
// workaround
// if IE and input's type is file - do not try to clear it.
// If you send:
// - empty string - it will find file by empty path
// - backspace char - it will process like a non-visible char
// In both cases it will throw a bug. //
// Just replace it with new value when it is need to.
} else {
// if you have no StringUtils in project, check value still empty yet
while (!StringUtils.isEmpty(webElement.getAttribute("value"))) {
// "\u0008" - is backspace char
As for me, standard webElement.clear() doesn't work for all browsers. Commonly, it could not clear value and throws bug that element is not able to be clean:
Caused by: org.openqa.selenium.InvalidElementStateException: Element must not be hidden, disabled or read-only
It's very difficult and routine to gather statistics about how many lines of code were added, removed or changed by SVN commits for selected period of time in past.
I will explain how you may do it and also will share my shell script to you.
В первый раз, когда сталкиваешься с задачей создания структуры папок/пакетов внутри своего проекта - долго не можешь понять - зачем создавать такие сложные бессмысленные вложенности, как например 'src/main/java', а потом делать еще не менее непонятные вложенности вроде 'com.makeappinc.calculator.context'. Неужели не проще сразу располагать все свои пакеты и классы/файлы/ресурсы в корневой папке 'src'? Зачем делать параллельную ветку каталогов 'src/main/resources'?
Не проще, подобные мелочи сразу избавляют тебя от огромных проблем в будущем. Делай так и будешь счастлив!
In first time, it is very unclear for developers, why they should create such directories as 'src/main/java' or 'src/main/resources'. Also, if you are new in developing, you will be probably confused in first time when you find such package names as 'com.makeappinc.calculator.context'.
In such moments you want to cry and ask - "Is it really more useful instead of using only 'src' directory as root path of project?".
I say, "Yes, it is very useful! Do such and you will be happy!".
Now I will explain why.
Проводя свой отпуск, истоптав и преодолев поражающие сознание расстояния, внезапно озадачился :)
Меня вдруг осенило - столько людей ежесекундно обречены давить своими подошвами на тротуары, плитки, аллеи и асфальты.. Огромнейшая, просто умопомрачительная масса народу гарантированно ходит по одним и тем же местам, наступая на чужие следы, где только что, буквально мгновение назад ступала чужая стопа.
Искусственный Интеллект кажется таким фантастическим и нереальным. Мы, зачастую, произнося это словосочетание, сразу же рисуем себе образы, что же это такое... o_O
Оооо! Оно саморазвивается!!! Непойми что творится у него в... вообщем в :)
Так вот постараюсь выразить то, до чего я дошел в своих умозаключениях.
Сразу говорю, я статьи не читаю и вообще мой доступ к инфе такого рода узок(поэтому буду благодарен публикации).
Наверняка открытий я не сделаю xD и скорее всего повторю чьи нибудь уже озвученные идеи, при том основополагающие и элементарные. Но меня это к несчастью мало волнует.